Treeman Woodmonk 5 3-4" Crown Stag
Treeman Woodmonk 5 3-4" Crown Stag
This J.Behring handmade Woodmonk has a 5 3/4" handforged balde made from 5160 steel and hammered ( by hand no machine)down to .250 with a choil made for the ease of keeping the blade RAZOR sharp. The hidden tang handle has a brass guard.. The hand-cut spacers he used are beautiful colors of brown,green,brass&black that compliment the horse hide washers. Made to fit a mans hand guaranteed everytime! He finished it with a brass pinned piece of crown stag ( which is my favorite). SUCH a great looking package~!
The OAL is 11+ " and comes in a custom fitted handmade sheath leather,blonde stitching and the best part Ostrich inlay! All the materials we use are the best in the industry. 100% guarantee...thank you small business and always MADe in AMerica!!